Cyber Dragon Dance Generator
To celebrate the 2024 Chinese New Year, the cyber dragon generator written in JavaScript language can conveniently control parameters through datGui to help the public create their favorite designs.
Cloud Font Generator
Cleverly uses functions to generate random cloud textures, allowing the public to better design the font styles they want.
WritingPal Interaction Design
Responsible for the user experience design and user interface design of the product.
The interaction between people and space in China’s old communities
Very interesting growing public spaces have appeared in many old communities in China. There are certain rules behind this phenomenon of autonomous interaction between people and space. I used participant observation methods to study this phenomenon.
Alzheimer’s elderly care service experience design
We have designed a product service system for the elderly with Alzheimer’s disease, which includes three main dimensions: care services, smart platforms, and environmental space. To improve the predicament of Alzheimer’s care, change society and the public’s understanding of Alzheimer’s disease, enhance the life experience of Alzheimer’s patients, and reshape their humanistic values.